"We looked for a system that could handle our complex agreements"

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Stockholms Hamnar chose Flex because of the easy-to-use interface and the easy management of all complicated agreements.

– When the company started to look for a new time system, one of the requirements was that it should be able to handle our complex agreements, says Johanna Wiberg, HR specialist at Stockholms Hamnar.

Johanna was involved in the project to contribute with her knowledge about the organization’s agreements from a user perspective.

– Previously we had CasaWin, an old-fashioned time system that should no longer be maintained from the system supplier’s side. Therefore, we needed to look for a new system. As we are a public utility company, a tender process was required, so we asked our payroll service partner to check which systems would suit our business.

What was the reason that you finally chose Flex?

– The easy-to-use interface and the fact that it is so easy from a user perspective. You understand how to do things, and a lot of them can be carried out by using the app. The system was also able to manage all our complex agreements, which was important to us. The price was a determining factor as well. Stockholms Hamnar has 170 permanent employees and a varying number of seasonal workers. Johanna tells us that for these almost 200 employees there are many different agreements. It may be two persons that are covered by a certain agreement. Different overtime rules, standby, on call… On top of that, the working times vary a lot. In Flex this could be handled without problems.

Changing to a new time system affects all employees and is always fraught with some challenges. How was the reception among the staff at Stockholms hamnar?

– I think it has gone really well. In our organization, there are many people who are not that used with computers and cell phones, e.g. dock workers who don’t use these tools in their daily work. Before, I was afraid that it would be a heavy and difficult process. But I was very surprised that everyone was so positive.

Wow, an app instead of the time clock on the computer!

At first, there were many questions, but everyone was understanding as to the reason why we did this. With Flex our work has been more structured, Johanna says. Previously, reporting could be carried out in a way that conflicts with agreements and rules, but that is no longer permitted in the system. In the old system, everyone, regardless of personnel category, could do the same things in the system. As a white-collar worker you could register the same things as a blue-collar worker. That means that the manager had to watch that everything was registered correctly. But now it’s adapted to each time group, that is, registrations can be carried out according to the applicable rules in your agreement. That saves a lot of time for the managers who don’t need to look into each time row in detail, and at the same time the process is facilitated for the employees as they are presented with a more limited set of options.

Another advantage according to Johanna is the app.

– It is really convenient. For us it is a true improvement. The employees have told me that too: ”Wow, an app instead of the time clock in the computer”.

Would you recommend Flex to other companies?

– For sure! And especially for organizations with a lot of different agreements and complicated rules and working times. We saw in in the procurement we made that there were not that many suppliers who could offer what we needed. But Flex could and it has worked fine!


About Stockholms Hamnar

Stockholms Hamnar promotes maritime transport and secures the region's supply of goods by offering quay spaces, as well as services for ferry, cruise, and freight traffic. Stockholm Ports operates in Stockholm, Kapellskär, and Nynäshamn. The group has 165 employees and had a turnover of 860 million SEK in 2017.

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