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New Collaboration Between Flex Applications and Qnister Simplifies the Management of Whistleblowing Cases

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A digital channel for reporting malpractice in the workplace, which you have access to directly through your personnel system. Flex now launches an integration with Qnister Whistle – a safe and user-friendly whistleblowing service that makes it simple for employers to meet the new requirements.

Is your company ready for the new whistleblowing rules? The new Swedish Whistleblowing Act came into force on December 17, 2021, and protects employees who report any wrongdoings or malpractices in their workplace. One of the new requirements is that all employers with more than 50 employees are obliged to set up special channels for whistleblowing. Public employers and larger privately owned companies should already have these channels in place, and during 2023, smaller privately owned companies will also be covered by this requirement.

Qnister Whistle is a cloud service developed by lawyers to receive and handle whistleblowing cases in legislation with the Whistleblowing Act. With this new integration, Flex Applications’ client companies will be able to access Qnister’s reporting channel directly through the personnel system Flex HRM.

Linda Tesell, Product Manager at Flex Applications, welcomes the new collaboration:

– Many of our clients are asking for simple, digital services for whistleblowing now that the requirements become stricter in this area, so it feels really valuable to be able to connect our personnel system with Qnister’s solution. Easy access is incredibly important, and, in this way, we make it very simple for our users to find the reporting channel.

Safety and Flexibility in Focus

Both reporting and management of whistleblowing cases are completely anonymous to ensure a safe and secure process for those who wish to report irregularities.

– Through the starting page in Flex HRM, our users get access to a QR code that links directly to Qnister’s web service. You don’t have to enter the address manually; for example, you can scan the code with your phone to enter the reporting service, Linda Tesell explains.

About Qnister

Qnister was founded in 2017 by lawyers Anna-Lena Isaksson and Emelie Terlinder, who noticed the need for digital tools that simplified regulatory compliance for companies. Their first tool on the market was Qnister GDPR, and in 2021 Qnister Whistle, a whistleblowing system, was released. The company is based in Jönköping and is a part of Insatt Group.

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