Flex informs

Did You Know That Our Solution Can Be Used in All Nordic Countries?

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Many company groups have subsidiaries spread all over the Nordic countries. To solve the HR administration one often has to use systems from different suppliers in the different countries. With Flex HRM, however, there is no need for that.

For many years, we have worked on adapting Flex HRM to the different rules that apply in our neighbouring Nordic countries. At present, we have support for managing Swedish, Danish, Finnish, and Norwegian laws and rules. In addition to the support provided in terms of rules for all countries surrounding, e.g., subsistence allowances, business trips, and overtime, Flex HRM also offers the possibility of managing entire business groups in a very convenient way. There are many advantages to a Nordic business group solution. Here are a few examples:

  1. Several Companies in the Same Database

    You may have several companies in the same database, even across national borders. Having everything gathered in the same database allows you to process, retrieve, and share information and gain an overview of the entire company group. You can seamlessly move between the different parts of the company with a button click.

  2. One Supplier – One Support

    Many company groups wish to keep the number of programs used for HR administration at a minimum. Having one single supplier and one support to turn to is an advantage that tends to weigh heavily. Flex is one of few suppliers offering an overall solution for HR administration, which can also be used all over the company group operating in the Nordic countries.

  3. Overview for HR

    Choose whether you wish to take out reports for a personnel category, a separate company or the entire company group. You can also choose whether you would like to view the whole company group in the attendance schedule and the statistics on the start page in Flex HRM. This also applies to all types of personal and employment details, for which you may choose to view the company group or individual companies. Flex offers great flexibility!

  4. Dashboard With Key Figures

    With our new dashboard, HR and management may view key figures for the entire concern, or, of course, on a more limited level if wanted. As the dashboard may be tailored for different roles and departments, it provides a comprehensible and graphic overview of just the key figures just are interested in.

  5. Managers May Authorize Across Borders

    A manager who works from, e.g., the main office in Oslo and has employees in Stockholm and Copenhagen can easily authorize time reports, travel expense claims, and absence applications, regardless of the employee’s country or company unit.

  6. Reminders

    With reminders and push notes sent across company and national borders, it’s easy for administrators to take over time reports and travel expense claims from another administrator, e.g. in the event of vacation or illness.

  7. Cost Effective

    Eftersom hela koncernen kan dela på samma databas blir kostnaderna lägre. Man delar även på kostnaden för hyra och licenser och kan därmed kapa kostnaderna avsevärt.

  8. Enhanced Knowledge Level through a User Interface

    The costs are reduced because the entire company group shares the same database. You also share the cost of rent and license, which means that costs can be cut radically.

  9. Choose Language 

    In Flex HRM, you can view menus and input images in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, or English. Of course, you can also adapt the date format to suit your country’s default format.

I'm happy to tell you more about our solution and how it might facilitate your HR administration. Just email me, Veronica, or call me at +47 41 21 46 47.


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