Will AI Take Over Our Jobs?

<span id="hs_cos_wrapper_name" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="meta_field" data-hs-cos-type="text" >Will AI Take Over Our Jobs?</span>

Smart speakers, self-driving cars, intelligent systems that handle everything from accounting to disease detection, and most recently, a chatbot that can write texts and provide competent answers to any question you have – AI is on everyone's lips now. But how does this hyped technology actually impact the workplace? What are its applications in HR? And will AI take over our jobs now?

Harnessing AI in the Workplace

Imagine a colleague who never needs to take a sick day. He takes on all the tedious and repetitive tasks without complaint. He simply never has a bad day at work and tirelessly delivers 24/7. This is precisely the great strength of AI: it can perform all the monotonous, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks for us without ever getting tired or losing focus. The benefits are clear: we get a more efficient and safer workday with reduced risk of manual errors and mistakes.

By eliminating complex administration tasks, we can also save a lot of time and resources – time and resources that we can redirect toward more stimulating and value-added activities. Lastly, AI has proven superior to humans in processing and analyzing large amounts of data. We can feed AI systems with any data, and they will quickly identify patterns and draw advanced conclusions. In other words, AI is highly useful in situations where we need to make quick decisions, perform complex calculations, and make forecasts in a way that humans can neither keep up with nor physically handle.

Four Applications of AI in HR

There is no doubt that AI is here to stay. Moreover, substantial evidence suggests that machine learning, robotics, and other AI technologies will eventually impact all types of businesses and industries – including HR. But what does this mean in more concrete terms? Here are four practical applications worth keeping an eye on when it comes to AI and automation in HR:

  1. Chatbots that answer common questions and guide new employees through the onboarding process.
  2. Tools that help recruiters extract relevant information from CVs and chatbots for testing and interview purposes.
  3. Various techniques for measuring employee engagement and providing praise and motivation through personalized feedback – a crucial aspect of a successful employee journey.
  4. Automated management of time reports, travel expenses, and payroll processes, where systems "learn" user behavior, identify recurring patterns, and alert for suspicious deviations.

Chat GPT – The AI Sensation That Raises Both Fascination and Concerns

AI is by no means a new phenomenon – the technology has been a natural part of both our private lives and work lives for quite some time now. However, in the fall of 2022, something decisive happened: a new AI service was released that was free and accessible for anyone to use. Yes, we are talking about the significant AI sensation, Chat GPT, from the company OpenAI. The robot that can provide comprehensive answers to virtually any question and generate high-quality texts of all kinds within seconds has taken the world by storm fast.

Since the launch of Chat GPT (and similar services in the field of generative AI), the discussion about which professional groups could be at risk has also gained renewed relevance. Artists, journalists, filmmakers, and programmers are examples of professions highlighted as particularly vulnerable to Chat GPT and similar AI services. But how will AI impact jobs overall? More on that below!

Curious about the new AI services? You can test them yourself here: Chat GPT – Chat and create texts DALL-E – Generate images from texts

What Will Happen to the Jobs?

So, what can we expect in the future? Should we all be worried about our jobs as AI makes its entrance? First and foremost, it is worth keeping the following in mind: the fact that new technology reshapes the rules of the job market is not new – the same happened with computerization and, before that, industrialization. However, we have seen throughout history that the total number of jobs has not decreased. Rather, quite the opposite. While technology has allowed certain tasks to be rationalized away, it has also created numerous new jobs. In fact, experts who have analyzed the situation have concluded that AI will create nearly twice as many jobs in the coming years as it will replace.

AI + Humans = True

Lastly, are there any jobs that will be less affected by AI than others? Most experts agree that there are certain areas where AI (no matter how competent it becomes) will not be able to compete with us humans. These areas primarily involve extensive human interactions and require qualities such as creativity, flexibility, empathy, common sense, and critical thinking. Therefore, many predict that these soft social skills will be particularly sought after in the future job market. In other words, the scenario of mass unemployment due to AI is kind of drastic.

What we can expect, however, is a shift in the nature of our tasks in the future. Let's take the medical profession as an example. AI will be (and already is) a perfect assistant when it comes to analyzing X-rays with great accuracy. However, making a diagnosis and deciding on treatment in consultation with the patient will likely remain in human hands. Conclusion: In an ideal world, we do not let AI replace humans. Instead, we use AI to complement our unique human abilities – so that we can focus our time and attention on the right things.

We were curious about what Chat GPT had to say about the question "Will AI take over our jobs?". Here you can see its response (which came within a few seconds):

Automation and Innovation in Focus in the Personnel System Flex HRM

Here at Flex Applications, we see great potential in AI and other forms of automation as a way to ease the challenges associated with payroll and HR work. As a system provider focusing on innovation and user-friendliness, we continuously add new intelligent features, streamlined workflows, and innovative integrations between your personnel system and your other favorite systems. The goal? A more pleasant and seamless workday where you and your colleagues can spend less time on administration and more time on what feels most valuable – such as nurturing your business and your employees. Feel free to learn more about our web-based personnel system, Flex HRM, or contact us, and we'll be happy to provide more information!

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