Flex software

Travel expense claims on autopilot!

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Making your travel expense claim should be easy. That is the foundation of our philosophy.

Change of scenery and inspiration, new acquaintances and new potential collaborations. Traveling during working hours may be fantastic in many ways. Reporting your travel expense claims at the end of the month? Not that fantastic in most people’s opinion. But it doesn’t have to be time-consuming or tricky – just make sure you have an intelligent system to support you.

Flex HRM Travel is the travel expense claim system that handles most stages of the process for you and helps you with every step of the registration. Just choose the type of trip you made (domestic, overseas, car trip), and the system will guide you on which details are required and in which order you should fill them out. That’s it! When and how you wish to register your travel expenses is up to you; everything you need is available in the mobile app. It's a smart way of getting the work done right away and not saving it for later.

Minimizes the risk of mistakes

Having a modern and user-friendly system for travel expenses also entails security for the traveler and the payroll department. The employee can feel confident that no steps are overlooked, and the payroll department can expect complete data – on time.

– For payroll administrators, an enormous number of working hours can be saved as manual routines are kept to a minimum. This also entails greater security for payroll administrators as you will not have to key everything in. Regardless of how skilled you are as an administrator, all manual management is error-prone, says Pär Nilsson, Account Manager at Flex Applications. And, as we all know, time is money. On average, handling one travel expense claim specification costs 300 SEK for a company to administer. One single! Money, time, and frustration can be saved if this work is automated. Read more about Flex HRM Travel.

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