How to Succeed with Remote Onboarding – Seven Tips

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The fact that an automated and well-thought-out onboarding process shortens the ramp-up period for new hires is not new. But how does it work in practice when the entire or parts of the organization work remotely? Here, we’ll provide some tips on what you can consider to ensure your company's new talents have a smooth onboarding experience, even when working remotely.

Expectations are often high on the first day of a new job. In fact, the first few weeks are crucial for shaping your new employee's feelings about the job and the company – and for whether the employment becomes long-lasting or not. Did you know, for example, that a structured onboarding process increases the likelihood of an employee staying for three years or more by 69%? Or that it can boost the new hire's productivity by as much as 50%?

Remote Onboarding – What to Keep in Mind

Is your onboarding process entirely or partially remote? In that case, having a well-thought-out and clear structure is even more critical. Here are seven things to keep in mind:

  1. Optimize the onboarding checklist
    Review your existing onboarding process and incorporate information on how it can be done remotely. With the support of a modern HR system, you can utilize digital task lists that specify responsibilities and in which order the activities should be carried out.

  2. Keep a dialogue going
    Don't let radio silence occur after the employment contract is signed – keep the conversation going throughout the process. Call and check in with your future employee to address any concerns and ask how they feel about starting the job. Consider sending a small welcome-to-the-team gift, such as a box of chocolates, a mug with the company logo, and other branded items. Encourage colleagues to connect with the new team member on LinkedIn.

  3. Ensure technology readiness
    If the introduction is to take place without any physical meetings, make sure that the computer, phone, and other hardware are delivered to your new employee well in advance of their first day. All digital tools should be readily available and operational from day one. Create a manual that both current and new staff can refer to for understanding the technical platforms used for digital collaboration. Also, provide information on how and when to access technical support in case of any issues.

  4. Introduce the team
    One of the challenges of remote onboarding is that your new employee may not get to meet their colleagues in person, making it harder for them to feel like a part of the group. Therefore, it's essential to involve the entire team in the onboarding process so the new employee can put faces and voices to the names they'll be working with. Either organize an informal online meeting with the whole team and the new employee or encourage your staff to schedule individual "get-to-know-you" appointments with their new colleague. And why not plan a digital after-work gathering or a virtual coffee meet-up? It's easier to ask questions to people you've gotten to know a bit.

  5. Communicate the company culture
    When onboarding remotely, informing new hires about the company's core values and norms becomes even more important. What can the employee expect, and what do we expect from them? What does the company stand for, what attitudes do we uphold, what keywords guide our work, and what goals are we striving for? Such soft values can be challenging but nevertheless essential to document and communicate to new talent.

  6. Help navigate through the maze of systems 
    How is the intranet structured? Where can they find agreements? Which tools are used for what purpose? Whom should they contact for questions? What's the availability of managers and other key personnel? Don't forget to share specific rules regarding working hours, breaks, flextime, and overtime. It can also include guidelines and unwritten rules regarding email etiquette, document templates, and conduct during Teams meetings.

  7. Follow along remotely 
    Schedule times for the mentor or supervisor to share their screen and walk through tasks and internal tools with the new employee. Sitting with someone who already knows the company and the job is often part of a "typical" onboarding process and an excellent way to learn and ask questions along the way.

Streamline Your Onboarding with Flex HRM!

To wrap it up – as a manager, you have an important mission in making new hires feel welcome and comfortable in their new environment. Fortunately, there are smart tools that you and your colleagues can utilize on this journey, whether your onboarding occurs physically or remotely. With the Flex HRM personnel system, creating an efficient digital onboarding process is straightforward. Contact us, and we'll tell you more!

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