Have You Discovered the Benefits of Our HR Dashboard?

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Are you and your colleagues struggling to organize your HR key metrics? Do you lack a tool to arrange them in a clear and understandable view for the right audience? Then you should check out our HR dashboard – the intelligent digital instrument panel that has become even more user-friendly and versatile!

Let's start with the basics. For those of you who may not be familiar with the concept of a dashboard, what is it? Well, an HR dashboard can be described as a compilation of key metrics presented understandably and visually for those who have access to it. With bar charts, graphs, pie charts, and gauges with green/yellow/red lights, the dashboard provides a clear snapshot of the business. What is the turnover rate, and how does it differ between departments A and B? How are we doing with sick leave and its development over time? How much are employees invoicing? And what is the average age within the staff group?

In our HR dashboard, an integrated part of the comprehensive solution Flex HRM, the answers to these – and many other questions – are just a few clicks away.

Easy Navigation With an Expanded Range of Key Metrics

When used correctly, HR metrics can help you highlight your strengths and weaknesses, make fact-based decisions, and steer your operations in the right direction. Our HR dashboard compiles a large set of the most common key metrics so that you and your colleagues always have up-to-date figures within the areas you need to focus on. In 2021, we also added five new types of data you can use in your panels. This means that you currently have access to these key metrics: Employment type, Number of employees, Full-time equivalent (FTE), Reason for termination, Position, Released amount for invoicing, Average tenure, Median Age, Turnover, and Sick leave. Which measures are most critical for your company to monitor and analyze? Let your needs guide your choice – and let the dashboard become your smart assistant!

Shorter Start-up Phase With a New Standard Dashboard

Want to get started quickly and explore the possibilities with dashboards – with minimal preparation? It's now possible! We've created a standard dashboard with pre-configured panels to help you as a Flex user get going in no time. Activate it for the audience of your choice, and let your HR dashboard deliver up-to-date and neatly compiled key metrics for you. The start-up time is minimal!

New Detailed Views

With its educational and visual graphics, our HR dashboard provides a fantastic overview of your business. Do you wish to dive into the details and see what lies behind the various figures? Of course, you can do that too! For example, you may want to know more about those who have left the company split into different reasons for departure? One of our new features in 2021 is the ability to click on a graph you want to explore further. Now you will be able to see details about the employees behind it, such as which employees have retired or resigned during the selected period. In other words, you get both the big picture and the details in one view!

Top Five Benefits of Our HR Dashboard

  1. Seamless flow where all data is already in the system, in one interface. Goodbye to complicated transfers and copy-pasting in spreadsheets!

  2. Collects essential data that is visually appealing and understandable - with the ability to customize views and make detailed selections according to your preferences.

  3. Provides the company with tools to proactively work with health, work environment, and well-being.

  4. You’ll always have access to up-to-date key metrics – on any computer or phone.

  5. "Traffic light function" that quickly provides a status indication and alerts you to unwanted changes.

  Sounds good, doesn't it? Read more about our HR dashboard and other tools for a smarter and smoother HR workday!

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