Five Advantages with Payslips in Your Cellphone

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Snail mail, email, or app? In what way do you and your colleagues prefer to access important papers? The number of people who choose digital solutions for their bills, mail from public authorities, and payslips is constantly increasing. But what are the advantages of having your payslips in the cell phone or receiving them via a digital mailbox? Flex will guide you!

A GDPR-Safe Solution

Sending payslips by email may seem practical, but what do the regulations say about this, exactly? Well, since a payslip usually contains a name, address, and personal identity number, it is covered by GDPR and should be treated like all other personal data. In some cases, the payslip also contains information about the employee’s sick leave and union membership – information that is considered sensitive personal data.

When it comes to payslips that contain this kind of sensitive personal data, it is particularly important that the employer exercises caution and uses safe distribution channels. Sending sensitive information through regular, unencrypted email is, for example, not considered to be a safe channel, since the risk of unauthorized access is high. Instead, the payslips should be protected with some sort of personal login.

Payslips sent via email — OK or not? Read more at the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (article in Swedish).

Today there are several digital solutions that you as an employer can use to meet the GDPR requirements. For example, it is common to publish the payslips via an HR system/payroll system – either through the web, or, if the employees prefer, through an app. Another popular solution is the digital mailbox Kivra, where the employees can easily access their salary statements together with other emails from the Swedish Tax Agency, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, and other affiliated public authorities and organizations – everything gathered in one place.

Become Popular with Your Co-workers…

Payslips on the cellphone or on the web are, in other words, a GDPR-safe choice. But the list of advantages definitely doesn’t end there. Of course, the most obvious gain for the co-workers is that they quickly and effortlessly access their payslips – from any device and location. When a new salary statement has been published, they will get a notification and can log in with their bank ID or password immediately to check that all payroll and tax information is correct.

They will also quickly get an overview of the balances and events of that month, such as absence, compensatory time off, flex time, and vacation days. Clear and comprehensive for the employee and fewer questions for the payroll department! Another smart thing with payslips on the cellphone or on the web is that you, as an employee, have everything comprehensibly gathered and can easily search your history. If you are using the digital mailbox Kivra, you will also easily access all your previous payslips, even if you were to change employer.

…and with the Payroll Department

The work of preparing and distributing payslips manually is at risk of becoming a troublesome, costly, and time-consuming experience for the payroll department. A more resourceful option would be using an app or a digital mailbox with a direct connection to your payroll system. With one button click your payroll administrators can publish the salary statements for all employees at once – and won’t have to deal with paper hassle, manual chores, and postage stamp costs. Are environmental issues, climate issues, and sustainability issues high on your company’s agenda? One additional strong argument as to why you should start distributing your payslips through a digital channel is that you don’t have to deal with resource-consuming elements such as papers, envelopes, and postage delivery.

To Summarize: This is Why Payslips in Your Cellphone Is a Smart Choice

  1. As an employee you will access your payslip wherever you are. You will receive a notification whenever a new salary statement is available, and you can check your data immediately and report suspected inaccuracies. This also means that the employer will be able to timely correct any errors before the monthly report is sent to the Swedish Tax Agency.

  2. You will have access to a clever digital archive with all former payslips gathered in one place. If you are using Kivra, they will also be gathered with your other “important papers.”

  3. You avoid sending sensitive information through email, which makes it a safe and secure (GDPR-friendly) choice. You log in using a personal password or BankID, and all data is encrypted and safely stored.

  4. The payroll department will have a nicer and more effortless workday – without paper hassle, manual routines, and postage stamp costs. With just a click you send out the payslips to all employees at once.

  5. You get a paper-free and (climate) smart administration process.

Does Your Company Also Want to Get Going with Payslips in the Cellphone?

Is it time for a smarter and safer administration of your payslips? In our web-based payroll system Flex HRM Payroll, you and your co-workers can access your salary statements through the system start page, through the app Flex HRM Mobile, or through the digital mailbox Kivra – choose whichever option suits you best! Here you can read more about how Flex HRM Payroll can simplify the workday for you and your colleagues. Is your company already using Flex Payroll? Here you can read more about how your company can get going with payslips in Kivra through Flex (in Swedish).

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