Does Your Company Want to Future-Proof Payroll Management? Get to Know Flex HRM Payroll!

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How effective is the payroll management at your company? Do you want to eliminate manual processing and paperwork – and have time over for more meaningful tasks? Does the safety of working with a system equipped for today’s and tomorrow’s challenges sound compelling to you? Get to know the web-based payroll system Flex HRM Payroll!Rickard Israelsson is the product manager and is responsible for developing Flex HRM Payroll, the new generation’s payroll system and the last piece of the puzzle in Flex’s complete overall solution on the web. We had a chat with him to learn more about the system – and what to expect in the future.

Rickard, a few years have passed since the launch of Flex HRM Payroll in 2017. What is the system's present status?

– Currently, we are building more functions and better support, primarily for bigger companies that need to reduce manual elements in their work processes. We’re also working with special adjustments for different types of industries that need specific payroll system features to complement the basic features.

How many customers are using Flex HRM Payroll today?

– Today we have approximately 120 customers, some of whom are payroll services providers to several companies, and we continuously see a heavy inflow of new customers. Many of our customers are companies with salaried employees within the private sector, but many are also in the industry or energy business. Most customers are medium-sized or big companies, and we have several customers who pay wages to more than 1000 people monthly.

What are your plans for future development?

– Besides many necessary things, like adjustments to new bank file formats for wage payments and new pension agreements, we’re putting much effort into payroll automation.

Payroll automation sounds exciting; what does it mean more specifically?

– In short, it involves removing manual and repetitive elements and making it more user-friendly and easier to manage the monthly wage payment process from start to finish. For example, we focus a lot on monitoring, where the system helps you as a payroll expert to spot discrepancies that need to be checked. This way, the job becomes effortless and more secure, and you can spend your time on more meaningful tasks rather than looking for errors.

Support for ATK/ATF was recently released in Flex HRM Payroll. Can you tell us about that?

– Working time accounts (in Swedish arbetstidskonto, ATK) and working time reduction (in Swedish arbetstidförkortning, ATF) are regulated by collective agreements that aim to reduce life working time. The rules resemble annual leave calculations and can be rather complicated to manage without good system support. Here, we have strived to simplify the administration of all the tasks that must be checked during the year. Among other things, we have built a function that lets the employee choose how earned money or earned hours should be managed directly in the system. This way, the administrator can avoid the hassle of using paper forms and manually entering details.

If I’m using the Windows system Flex Lön today, what similarities and differences can I expect in Flex HRM Payroll?

– If you are used to working with Flex Lön, you will recognize a lot in Flex HRM Payroll. All the basic features, such as the pay type registry and payroll preparation, work the same way, but we’ve optimized all functions to make them more user-friendly and future-proof. Examples are pension reporting, wage statistics, and yearly routines such as ATK/ATF. In Flex HRM Payroll, you can also schedule more tasks, such as changing the staff category and changing the home account coding.

Lastly, do you have any tips and advice for those figuring out whether Flex HRM Payroll is the right solution for their company?

– Contact our sales department experts, who will help you identify the solutions you use today, and together we can ensure that Flex HRM matches your demands and needs. If you’re using Flex Lön, you might be missing out on some of the features in Flex HRM Payroll: consider how much extra manual work this means each month. And, if you are using any other part of Flex HRM but not Payroll, you can still save time if you get a fully integrated system where you don’t have to enter personal details into different systems.

I want to know more! Do you have any questions? Or perhaps you are ready for a personal tour of Flex HRM Payroll, adjusted to your company’s needs? Get in touch with our experts!

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