Digital HR – Discover the Possibilities!

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Do you work in HR or as a personnel manager? Would you like to spend less time on admin tasks and avoid growing piles of paper? Join us while we guide you through all the areas of digital HR!

Keeping track of onboarding and offboarding processes, competency development, wage revision, maintaining personal and employment data, printing and signing agreements and forms, managing staff appraisals… For anyone working as a manager or HR manager, the day is filled with administrative tasks – tasks that are at risk of becoming overly time and paper-consuming. At the same time, HR is an important area where pretty much all recurring routines can be digitalized. With digital HR, both time, money, and paper piles can be saved – while the work becomes more pleasant and joy filled.

Six Areas of Use in Digital HR

We have listed some of our favourite functions in Flex HRM Employee – the web-based HR system that gathers all your important HR processes in one single place.

  1. More Time for Your Important Conversations
    How do you like it here? How are things going? What are your ambitions for the future? Sitting down with your employees a couple of times a year for staff appraisals is a given for most managers – that the administrative routines surrounding the appraisal are met with excitement, is not.

    In Flex HRM Employee there is an effortless and digital flow, so that you can focus completely on the appraisal and let the system do the rest. Prepare questions that are relevant for you and your employees by creating your own tailored templates for the staff appraisal. Let the employees fill in their answers directly in the system, fill in your feedback and share the information when it suits both of you. Automated notifications remind you when it’s time to fill in and sign the form. Quick, effortless, and simple!

  2. First Impressions Last – Upgrading the Onboarding Process
    The process of providing new co-workers with the best possible job start comes naturally at most workplaces. With a successful onboarding process, the employee will get a hold of the work tasks and the company culture faster, thus he or she will be more likely to thrive and stay in the company for many years. For anyone involved in the welcome process it may also feel good to know exactly what steps should be taken when, and by whom – and to be able to monitor that they are executed.

    This is why we have made it really simple to set up an effective onboarding process in Flex HRM Employee, so that absolutely nothing falls between the chairs. During the onboarding process, HR, managers, and IT have complete control over tasks and deadlines – this thanks to different functions such as to-do lists, assignments, and automated reminders. One great advantage of this system is that once the first onboarding process has been initiated, it is super easy to just repeat the same process when a new hire begins. With an efficient digital onboarding process, you don’t have to worry about last-minute stress and time-consuming spreadsheets that have to be emailed back and forth!

  3. Wage Revision Without a Headache
    Time for wage revision – again. Indeed, being able to reward high-achieving employees with some additional compensation does feel good – but the administration surrounding this process rarely feels uplifting. Oftentimes, the data you need is spread across several systems, the data needs to be manually inserted, and the risk of duplication of work and miscalculation is considerable. Luckily, you can get assistance with this!

    Another area of use in digital HR worth looking into is intelligent system support for wage revision. In the wage revision module in Flex HRM Employee you have everything you need accumulated in one place and in one intuitive flow – from pay pots, to auditing and approval of new wages and export to the payroll system. Bye bye to paperwork, manual updates of wages and duplication of work between HR, payroll admin, and manager!

  4. Dashboard – Quick Overview of Your Key Figures
    How does your company extract the statistics and key figures that are necessary for you to be able to follow up on the development of the company and the staff? Are you drowning in dull numbers? Is there a lot of irritability coming from having to draw out reports and emailing them to managers and the board? The solution to this problem is called dashboard. A dashboard compiles sick leave, employee retention, reasons for termination, and other key figures in HR. Everything comprehensively and intuitively packaged with circle diagrams, graphs, and colour gauges with green/yellow/red light. A few button clicks are all you need – and a previously time-consuming procedure now only takes a few seconds.

  5. Complete Control of Your Most Important Asset
    Competency management – keeping track of having the right people with the right competency, both now and in the future, is something that is getting more and more important for many companies. Do you belong to those who spend way too many hours on competency administration – or do you have a feeling that you don’t prioritize this enough due to lack of time? In that case, there may be a lot to gain from digitalizing your competency management.

    With the competency support in Flex HRM Employee you can easily document and grade each competence of every employee – so that you have a clear overview of who knows what. Also, it helps you do inventory of the company’s competency requirements and connect them to different roles while still having a good overview. Last but not least, there is support for mapping competency gaps and implementing a plan for filling those gaps – this way you are prepared for both current and future challenges.

  6. Less Paper Hassle with Digital Signing
    Employment and non-disclosure agreements, employer’s certificates, distribution of work keys and work phone, forms for managing employee data… Handling all the papers that need to be printed, signed, mailed, and then filed, can be a tricky procedure. In addition, it isn´t very GDPR-friendly. Undoubtedly, a smoother solution is digital agreements and digital signing directly in your personnel system. With a few button clicks you have your agreements and forms as PDFs in Flex HRM and you can send them to be signed via Verified. Everything the employee needs is a Bank-ID. Simple, time-saving, secure – and a smart way to go completely paper-free!

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