A User-Friendly HR System – What Does It Mean?

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Are you and your colleagues fed up with hard-to-navigate and cumbersome systems with uninspiring designs? You're not alone! Good user-friendliness has become a top priority for companies searching for a new HR system. But what exactly does a user-friendly HR system entail? And how do you know if your solution offers excellent user-friendliness?

"An intuitive and user-friendly system that is easy to learn, visually appealing, and works seamlessly on all devices." If you've ever been involved in discussions before investing in a new system – or browsed through various system providers' websites – this talk probably sounds familiar. The proliferation of apps and other user-friendly interfaces in our daily lives has increased – and with it, the demands and expectations for a good user experience with our work-related tools.

And the fact is, as an employer, you have everything to gain by taking user-friendliness seriously. Happier and more efficient employees, reduced need for support and training, and lower risk of errors make user-friendly tools a real win-win for both employees and the organization.

What Does User-Friendliness Really Mean?

User-friendliness is a concept most of us can relate to, but what does it actually entail? Well, user-friendliness is simply about how easy a service, product, or system is to use and learn. It can also be described as a measure of the user's experience when interacting with the interface. A user-friendly system is not perceived as difficult or unpleasant to work with.

In everyday conversation, the term user-friendliness dominates. Still, within human-computer interaction, it's usually referred to as usability. This somewhat broader concept emphasizes that the product should be pleasant and easy to use but also practical and purposeful, which should help you solve your specific needs. For simplicity's sake, we'll stick to the more everyday term user-friendliness moving forward.

Good User-Friendliness Goes Unnoticed

When a system, app, or website functions as intended, it's usually something we don't even consider – good user-friendliness goes unnoticed. Poor user-friendliness, on the other hand, is likely to make itself known. With that said, what specific characteristics determine whether an interface is user-friendly? Here, we list examples of essential aspects typically highlighted:

  • Feedback from the system indicates the current status of a process and signals whether the user has performed correctly or incorrectly in a specific step.

  • Help texts to guide the user, for example, on how to fill out a form.

  • Logical and consistent structure in everything from menus, tabs, and icons to wording and colors to facilitate recognition and navigation.

  • Streamlined design where different user roles only see the information and functions relevant to them.

  • Effective error handling. The system should minimize the risk of errors and – in case errors do occur – provide transparent information about what the error is and how it can be rectified.

  • Minimal manual inputs. The system should minimize the number of places where users need to input information.

  • Good readability, such as appropriate font size and typeface, adequate spacing, and contrast.

What Distinguishes a User-Friendly HR System?

Linda Tesell is the Product Manager at Flex Applications, responsible for all new and further development within Flex HRM Employee – an HR module included in the web-based comprehensive solution Flex HRM. How does she and her team view user-friendliness? And how is it implemented in Flex products?

– User-friendliness involves many things. But above all, it's about the system being intuitive, meaning easy to understand without explanations, while also being pleasant to work with. There must be a logical structure to menus so that you easily recognize them no matter what function you're working with. You should also be able to accomplish what you want with as few clicks as possible, says Linda, and adds:

– In Flex HRM, the focus has also been on gathering everything needed for personnel administration into a single system. This means users only need to keep track of one login and learn one interface, while managers and administrators avoid redundant work and complicated transfers.

Customization for Different User Types

Linda also emphasizes that user-friendliness must always be seen in the context of the specific users and their needs.

– It's crucial for the system to be user-friendly for all types of users, such as managers, administrators, and individual employees. We have therefore made sure that menus and functions can easily be tailored to these different roles. As an employee, you only see what is relevant to you, such as your timesheet and expense report – without a lot of unnecessary and confusing information. Managers gain an overview of their employees in the various views in the system, and administrators, in turn, have access to the multiple settings they need. There's also the option to let each individual user customize, for example, the appearance of the homepage, system colors, and more according to their own preferences.

User-Friendliness as a Guiding Principle Throughout Flex

Linda explains that user-friendliness is constantly present and permeates all aspects of the operation at Flex. But how does the work to ensure user-friendliness translate into more concrete actions?

– A new or improved feature begins with understanding the need and purpose behind the development. We then develop one or more proposed solutions that are revised in collaboration with our internal experts here at Flex and our customers. For example, our Quality Assurance department is involved in the process from the beginning to highlight risks and ensure that we have a functional solution that seamlessly integrates with the entire system, explains Linda, adding:

– We maintain an ongoing dialogue among all parties, from idea to finished solution. Requests and improvements constantly come in from our incredibly skilled customers and partners and our various internal functions at Flex. We always want to know more about our customers' different challenges in their everyday lives and are always open to suggestions!

Finally, Linda, what are the plans for future development regarding user-friendliness?

– Among other things, we continue to work on providing guidance in more complex functions in the system. For example, in the onboarding process, we're currently adding support for customers to write informational texts that suit their specific needs.

Do you, like us, think user-friendliness is a topic that can't be discussed enough? Or are you just generally curious about smart digital personnel administration? Contact us for a personal demo, and we'll show you how Flex HRM can simplify and streamline everyday tasks for you and your colleagues. Or why not drop by one of our free webinars?

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